Monday, January 4, 2010

Respect the Bubble.

I have a thing about personal space.

When I was in college this girl would come over and stroke my back, and one day I’d strenuously objected on several grounds, the main being “I have a bubble of personal space. THIS is my bubble right here.” (Indicating a wide arc.)

“I will penetrate your bubble” she’d said.

But we digress.

Needless to say I hate it when a strange person in a public place trots up and companionably stands on your foot like it’s the most natural place to rest from all that walking. She will look adoringly into your face with a “This is nice and cosy, innit?” expression until you beat her off with your umbrella. She will then wander off to find a more hospitable foot -- only to have another one take her place. By the fifth one you lose all interest in life, and let them have their way with you.

Then there are those who think, while standing in line, it’s mandatory to keep some physical connection with the person ahead of them. Like it won’t be considered a queue unless their palms are flat against your back or their arms folded across your shoulders.

What about those people who grab your shoulders and push you aside when you’re (unknowingly) blocking the way? Ever heard of “Excuse me”, *&^%ers? “ssSide plisss” even?

A friend and I were discussing this recently and she said her pet peeve is when strange guys in clubs put their arms around her waist and move her around. I’ve never encountered that, and don’t think they do it for the same reason the others mentioned above do it, viz, ignorance about personal boundaries and stupidity. (Well maybe, but not the same KIND. Creepiness is material for a different post.)

Perceiving my lack of enthusiasm for that one, (“I KNOW, right?…erm…actually come to think of it…is it the same thing?…I don’t think so…), she came up with an example much closer to home. She talked about an ex-colleague we shared who had the habit of bringing her face two inches away from yours if she had anything to say to you. Like everything she said was a secret. With every word you would inch away, hoping to put some distance between you and the head talking up your nose. By the middle of the conversation you would be up against the far wall of the room, eyes darting around madly in search of an escape route.

Needless to say people can rarely remember anything about her anecdotes, except that they’re stressful.

Which is why I say -- Respect the Bubble, people. Evolution has given us tongues in our heads for precisely that purpose.

Wishing all my readers a happy and push-free New Year!


Unknown said...

I will penetrate your bubble (in that gombhir gola, too). hahahahahaha!

Unknown said...

I dont know why this comment is not getting published. Anyway, what i had said was: I will penetrate your bubble (in that gombhir gola, too)!

Rashmi said...

I will penetrate your bubble?! Who was this again? Blimey, sounds hilarious :D

Rashmi said...

Ushasi is regulating our comments. After all, we are a terribly rude bunch.

Ushasi said...

The reason I am regulating comments (not yours) is because some stupid anonymous person either advertizes links for sports shoes, or worse really really perverse porno links.

Rashmi said...

oh, please let's have some perverse porno link !

db said...

Hehe... funny incident. I think I remember the very day Operation Bubble Penetration was initiated... the look on your face was priceless :)

The person in question called me "Wednesday furniture" because I used to hang out with you seniors, so I'm quite pleased about this post. May her greate furrye whiskers droop in peace.

Ushasi said...

Hahaha... :):)

Basically Blah said...

And don't you hate those prodders when standing in queue? Like a finger right between the 6th and 7th vertebrae...all the time... i could snap their fingers off!

Unknown said...

keno? why wednesday furniture and not monday or tuesday?

Ushasi said...

Yes, I want to know too. Why "Wednesday Furniture"?

db said...

Good question.

If you remember, we had tutorials & discussions on Wednesday afternoons. Since I had nothing to do with either, I used to hang out with you guys instead. :)

diya said...

hehehe, hi shashi, reading your blog again after ages! am back now to arctic land - ki irritating re baba, to quote rashmi! shon, i well remember the gombheer gola and the bubble story!!! but, come to think of it, that bubble penetration had an ulterior motive as well, didn't it?! and please advertise the panu links!

Ushasi said...

Of course ulterior motives! Hence I said "We digress" because we weren't talking about personal space anymore but, like, super-personal space!!!

Even my sister gently explained to me that it sounded like innuendo, methinks the snow hath frozen your brains.

Ushasi said...

Oh and Basically Blah, I'm totally for snapping off any fingers that poke me in the ribs.

diya said...

what are these ridiculous words i have to enter every time i want to post a comment?! thrab just sounds silly. i don't want to thrab on your wall, i want to reminisce about bubble piercings! sorry baba, forgot the bit in your post where you said - we digress. tis not the snow that hath frozen my brains, tis the moronic office that hath rendered me soporific all afternoon, especially after an indulgent glass of wine to combat midday boredom!